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Maintenance and upkeep of industrial flat trailer tires

source: time:1970-01-01 Views:

All vehicles in the world are the same, both on the road and off the road. They each have a work area and are working, so there will also be wear and tear. We maintain vehicles to ensure they are always in optimal working condition. Regular vehicle inspections can detect faults as early as possible and prevent them from occurring before they occur. The maintenance of the Nangong flatbed truck is much simpler because it is an unpowered full trailer, a trailer, and a tractor (not on the road). Mainly focused on tire maintenance:

Firstly, it is necessary to regularly clean the debris inside the tires. It is best not to use tires that have undergone multiple repairs for pneumatic tires, and it is best to replace severely worn tires. Secondly, the tire inflation should not be too high, but also not too low. When the external temperature is too low and the tire pressure is very low, it will exacerbate tire aging, increase the contact area between the tire and the ground, and greatly reduce tire life. The main component of tires is rubber. Due to the principle of thermal expansion, compared to summer, tires will "shrink" and become denser at lower air temperatures, resulting in very hard tires. If there is a picture of snow, if the speed is too fast, it may slip and threaten the safety of the goods, making it impossible for the driver to prevent. Therefore, in winter, the speed of flatbed trailers should be reduced to avoid such incidents.

If there are vehicles equipped with brakes, it is necessary to regularly replace hydraulic gasoline, maintain a clean appearance, regularly clean the frame platform, maintain cleanliness, eliminate hidden dangers, prevent faults, slow down the deterioration process, and extend the service life.
